Gift of Time Respite Confirmation

This confirms your registration for our next session of Gift of Time Respite. If you have any questions or need to change your reservation, please contact Karen Padova.  Kindly note our Respite Rules and Parent information below prior to the session. Send new application and waiver to We look forward to serving you and your family!

Gift of Time Respite Documents & Policies

Reminders and Policy Information

Cancellation Policy

Please let us know if you need by cancel by 8 pm. on the Friday before the respite session. Because we must pay for staff according to our registration numbers, we will be unable to refund registration fees for those who do not cancel by this time.

Note that we will be unable to continue to serve families who cannot abide by these policies.

Respite Basics

  • Lunch is provided - usually cheese or hamburger pizza or chicken nuggets and fries plus Sprite or water. If your child has food allergies or is on a special diet, please pack a lunch.
  • One afternoon snack is provided - usually Sprite and water plus a banana and “goldfish” crackers. If your child has food allergies or is on a special diet, please pack a lunch.
  • Dress your child in comfortable clothes.
    To participate in Respite Day, each child must have a church consent form and registration information on file.This is required so volunteers may provide a safe environment for your child.
  • Medications for children must be administered by parents before arrival at Respite Day. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. For your child's safety and the safety of others, please alert staff of any medication changes that might affect your child’s behavior.
  • Please be respectful of the drop-off and pick-up times. We cannot accept children early as we are preparing for the session, and we cannot accommodate late pick-ups as we need to return the space to the church promptly.

If you have additional questions, please contact Karen Padova at or Claire Dees at