Spectrum Super Star December 2020
Congratulations to Spectrum's December 2020 Star of the Month, Agartha Amoah!
Agartha has been volunteering as an intern with Spectrum for the past nine months serving at least 16 hours a week or more. She has helped make a difference for individuals and families with autism in so many ways. She worked in our summer camps, helped with our Saturday respite day camps, assisted with our women on the spectrum craft night, assisted with family camp preparation and support at camp, helped with social media posts, Georgia Race for Autism silent auction and more. Agartha said she’d love to continue to volunteer with Spectrum and we’re excited to have her continue on our team.
Agartha says...
In the course of pursuing my master’s degree in social work, I had the opportunity to complete my specialized field placement with Spectrum, and I must say that it is one of the best decisions I made in both my personal and professional life. Working with individuals and families impacted by autism brought me unimaginable joy and satisfaction. I had the opportunity to love on these children and share with them their happy moments, sad moments, and stressful moments. Working with such wonderful and amazing families made me feel the spirit of belongingness as an autism mom, and I can’t be grateful enough for this opportunity.

Thank you, Agartha, for your commitment and dedication to Spectrum. We wish you the best in your career in social work and hope this experience has enriched your life in many ways, personally and career-wise.
Claire Dees
Executive Director