Siblings of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) have specific concerns and needs related to life with autism. Spectrum offers a special group just for siblings ages 5-12 one Sunday afternoon month facilitated by trained leaders, adult siblings. The program involves group discussion, arts & crafts and games and utilizes the SibShop curriculum by Don Meyer, which was specifically designed for children with siblings with special needs.
Program Description :
Sibshops are pedal-to-the-metal events where they will meet other sibs, have fun, laugh, talk about the good and not-so-good parts of having a sib with special needs, play some great games, learn something about the services their brothers and sister receive, and have some more fun.
Note that this group does not meet on Thursdays during the summer months.
2025 Dates
Feb 23
March 16
April 13
May 18
Note: We will take the summer off and resume when school starts in September.
Monthly Meeting Schedule & Location
The Sibling Group meets monthly, during the Parent Support Group meeting, the first Thursday of each month (school year only).
Spectrum Autism Support Center
2997 Main St.,
Duluth, GA 30096